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My Weight, Not Yours!

Hey, what’s up my beautiful people? Let’s talk about men and weight. By the way, by weight I mean us women, our thighnesses and them waistnesses. We women who may and may not directly or indirectly feature in these men’s lives.

You see, when we go to a restaurant, we get a variety of options of food to choose from. We most likely choose what we like and will satisfy us. Now, we with our infinite wisdom cannot apply that in our relationships. I mean potential relationships too. Here, by “we”, I mean men.

So they have a variety of women to choose from but they pick one daughter of a man and decide they should add or cut weight. Well, I have no problem with them that know what they what and go for it. If anything get two on my bill.

Now, these other sons of Pharaoh who go for chubby women and make them cut weight, or somehow land a slender sister and decides she’s on a feeding programme. What is wrong with you?

Sweetheart, if the plus-size ones are your type, look for them and look well. If slender is your cup of coffee, run for then bruh, run. Don’t pick someone and decide to make them your fitness projects.

Mr Man, we are not customizable, pick your type and run with it don’t try and change us. Not unless you’re a doctor and decide that my weight is a threat to my health or if you’re a weatherman and tell her that strong winds are coming and some weight would be helpful. Until then, don’t come to our inboxes if you are trying to edit us.

Girl, if he decides that your weight is an issue, send then to the gym. They’ll have enough weight issues to talk about there. If he tries to change an aspect of you, walk sweetheart, walk. Your type will find you walking. But if you decide that you’ll do whatever he wants, then you have a serious mental issue that is neither solved by love or prayers.

All said and said more, we’re all beautiful. Man or woman, we are made in the likeness and image of God, and if you think you are an accident or made not so well, please go back to the Good Book. Ciao!

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