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Do All Men Cheat?

At some point in woman's life, she'll have to ask the question, " Why Do Men Cheat?" It is a noble doubt that women perpetually succumb to. The problem will suggest itself and linger in a ladies mind when the time is right. Sex experts, therapists and scientists have come up with different types of reasons on why men do cheat. Some say it's because they're still looking for their Mrs Right, you know their Cinderella. So he has a glass shoe and is trying to find to whom the shoes best fit. Back in high school, I would seat next to this kid called Bosire during the exams, we both were not that good in classwork, but at maths, we were terrible. Warren the smarter one would right formulas and answers on his question paper, and we would exchange. As long I had the right formula and the correct answer, working out equations were so comfortable. But some methods were more complex, so what would Bosire do? He'd cook his work out; you know using the correct answer to try and find and find the solution of how the correct answer came to be, the trial and error method. How many ladies will have to be heartbroken until you find the perfect match? Let's not be cynical we all know all these reasons that these experts have intrigued as on is just defensive for what they don't understand. The reasons why men cheat is because of women. If there were no women men wouldn't cheat, it's just simple. So I know this raises the question you have to be in a relationship to cheat, which means I'm not making sense. Let's face it all men cheat in or out of the relationship, my girlfriend says, " all men are fornicating bastards" and I can't deny simply because the highest reason is always the truest Every man wants to have sex with other women, and when the opportunity arises, he'll take it no matter how much sex, peace and common sense you give him. It is the nature of man to want more; money, food and women. To them, it's a game. They're like Kevin Spacey in the house of cards. They don't see the harm in sexting and flirting or getting a lap dance in a strip club or sleeping with their bae's best friend, because it's a game. The more women they sleep with, the more boost to their self-esteem they get, and girls love bad boys; they find them charming and cute. A man will cheat and continue cheating after being caught. In one of Rihanna's song she sings, " please don't tell me you're sorry because you're not, cause I know you're only sorry cause you got caught." Men lie and keep secrets without remorse or regret as long as it gets them what they want. Even in the face of profoundly unwanted consequences like divorce, job loss, social standing and loss of respect from kids to a workmate, nutting is still more important. A man's thought is full of sexual fantasies, and women do admire other men that they're not into, " wow, he's cute, and he has a nice car." And that will be all about it. We men hehe, "Huyo nikipata namwaga ndani Kesi baadaye." And he'll end up doing just that. Men don't want meaningful commitment; they prefer limerance that neurochemical rush of romance that fades with time after it fades they're on to the next where limerance is stronger, they love sexual adventures and having a wife or a girlfriend makes it more fun. As the conversation went on with my girlfriend she asked why do you need a girlfriend while you'll still go around shagging everyone, I couldn't tell this, but I think it's because a girl or a wife is reliable sex. We men everything we do is to impress a lady, we work hard so that more ladies can like us. How we dress, how we talk about what we buy is to impress the ladies. But sometimes things don't go as planned, and you need a backup plan, someone, you can count on when you're horny at 2 in the morning, or 7 am before work, and that is your wife or girlfriend. When he cheats don't go for couple therapy embrace it, it means your man is just a man. When he doesn't cheat that's where the problem should be; is he psychologically okay, does he have self-esteem issues cause its nature of men to stray.

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