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Updated: Oct 1, 2019

The high rate of prostitution in Eldoret town is alarming! What kind of future wives are we breeding? I’m not talking about the popular joint paradise alone, I’m addressing the whole issue of our beautiful girls flaunting with sponsors and partying with unlimited hangouts in expensive motels and joints! The small town is seeing more than it is supposed to! Where are ye morals at?

This vice has been publicised with most victims being university students. Eldoret town has a large number of universities both located in the outskirts of the little headquarter in the rift. The old men have made university girls captive with the little cash they give them. I would blame the old men but no I’m not going in that direction, you can’t be a university student with such rotten morals!

Why would you use your beauty to earn favors from people older than your parents? Is it a problem to be broke at 20? Crucifixion won’t happen just because you have 500 followers on Instagram, it won’t come because you didn’t go to KFC, instead you will waste your waist and by the time you settle into marriage, you will be tired already giving your husband reasons to cheat.

You still have a choice, nothing like sponsor, that is pure prostitution! I would recommend that you study, get out of school still fresh and useful to the society, get a job and be the young revolutionists that our country needs. Our country right now has many youth agitated programs eg the AGPO that propel youth advocacy rather than sleeping with old men and posting selfies for likes and massive following!

If I was pursuing law, I would write to the jury, the Eldoret law courts to tame this behavior in any way possible and shut down all brothels encouraging prostitution but rather encourage and empower all the unemployed and jobless to be innovative!

Ciao Adiós!

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