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Endevours of DJ Darvo

I had a hot seat conversation with Eldoret’s very own and 64 Resort’s resident Dj, Dj Darvo. The rising star also happens to be with the Beat Nation with DJ 2one2 at the helm. Beat Nation is a group of DJs with most of them working with the standard media group. They pull their heads together in securing gigs for each other. He prides himself with performing for prominent artists like Octopizzo and Jua Kali. Being an entertainer, his biggest show saw fans stripping and worst walking out without a penny. The soft-spoken DJ who happens to laugh a lot had wanted to be an engineer when he was a kid but well, plans change. However, he’s passionate about his career because music is also his first love. He had these to say about himself. Pssst…t, Sweethearts, don’t put your hopes up, he’s taken, but in case of any changes, I’ll let you know first. Describe yourself in a sentence. I’m Darville Kiplimo alias Dj Darvo, cool guy. Who knows you best, and how would they describe you? My boss. He would say I’m very obedient. He knows better. What is one thing you can’t live without? Music. What’s on your bucket list? Bungee jumping, parachuting and deep-sea diving.

"Believe in everything you do, no matter the hardship. It will be well"

What’s your pleasure? Flirting. I don’t have a pick-up line, so I just joke and What don’t we know about you? I have a thing for science. Physics especially. Never mind that it wasn’t my favourite subject in school (laughs). If you were to write a book about your life right now, what would be the title? The never-ending endeavours of a Dj. What gives you chills? My future. I mean no one knows what tomorrow holds. What’s your life mantra? All in well. I believe in everything that I do, no matter the hardships, all will be well. What’s your ideal first date? For a simple guy like me, we would go for a drink, no alcohol. I don’t trust myself with alcohol, and I’m courageous enough to face a girl. I believe in myself; I would even show up in a vest, have you seen my muscles? If you were to go on a date with a person who would it be? (I choose to bleep this answer’s ass out, ask him yourself or sue me) Who’s your celebrity crush? Back then was Jennifer Lopez. Now I crush on Phy. If God could answer, one prayer of yours, what would it be? First I’m Muslim, so it’s Allah. And I’d ask for a good life. If you had three wishes, what would you wish for? Great life, health and wealthy life and to see my dad. If money would buy everything, what would you buy? Long life. What movie are you watching right now? Spiderman Homecoming. What’s your most embarrassing moment? (Laughs) Sometime in high school, I had exchanged numbers with a girl, then I forgot the number. Apparently, I had dialled the number on a friend’s phone earlier, so I asked for the number and the friend sent it. So I texted the girl, and it turns out the guy had confused the numbers and given me our business teacher’s number. The teacher was a dude by the way. I guess he thought I liked him. What’s the funniest thing that has ever happened to you? I was hanging out with my friends, and there was this new guy. So the new guy thought I was from ocha and I don’t have the slightest idea on sheng’ or anything sheng’. So he begins to trash talk. Then he later knew I understood everything. You mentioned something about your dad… Yea yea… I’ve never met him my entire life, and I’m looking forward to meeting him this December. Where do you see yourself in like five years? I hope to play big gigs, and build my brand to the likes of Tomorrowland. Any parting shots? To every artist and especially DJ, nothing comes easy. To beat those hurdles, you need persistence and hard work. And, life’s good (laughs). Unfortunately, that was all the time I had with Dj Darvo, but you can reach out to him through Instagram, Facebook and Twitter using the handle deejaydarvo find his mixes on mixcloud – deejaydarvo. While you’re at it, you can book him for gigs too. Ciao!

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