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Updated: Oct 1, 2019

They will impregnate you and hibernate. How many times are we going to analyse deadbeat dads in this town! This discourse is becoming an anomaly in the current economic situation. Ladies who think a healthy relationship is a good looking slayer for Instagram poses and Snapchat stories should sit their asses down and fucking mediate about this. I repeat don’t open legs without proper consent of a dad who will take care of you and your kid if the unexpected happens! Y’all should polish your brains to run concurrently with your hearts. Don’t expect indomie from tour brain and think you gonna chew meat chunks from the heart! No baby girl you gonna be a bitter feminist plus a motivational speaker who hasn’t attended any bible study college.

You can call me as many names as you wish but the fact remains a deadbeat is a deadbeat. I ain’t categorising all good looking men to be deadbeats, a good percentage is focused and well informed about the future but there is this bracket of slayers who run social media waves- not really socialites because socialites are rich- they are just predetermined to fuck every Queenshit, BossChiq and Slayqueen just to feel the warmth of different female breathing organs.

How exactly do these deadbeats come in? They are good looking, charming and always have Good and nice lines. They will charm you with Jameson and Jack Daniels every weekend. They will kiss you every time you meet whether its on the streets or in Java and KFC. They will tell you how their families own properties worth millions yet they are broke to the core and live miserable lives. They will charm you to the point that you will give them everything for free, you food, share towels, your money and even let them fuck you for free. No baby that dime in between your legs auynt for free. Its what makes you expensive.

Then is when problems arise. When you let him access your ATM card plus the pin. The nigga will ensure he fucks you real deal and make you pregnant. Initially that wasn’t his plans- to make you fat- he just wanted to eat your everything but you messed up, saw what wasn’t there and let him play with your body. You let him have total control over you. So after you are pregnant? The nigga slowly runs away, let’s cute examples of excuses, I used a condom, babe nimepata job tao ingine(then changes phone no), hiyo ball sio yangu, toa mimba babe we aren’t ready and many other bullshited excuses.

Deadbeats will turn you into a bitter bitch, a feminist with a mentality all men are shit, a deadbeat will make your gestation period hell, 9 months will turn into the 7 years of hunger and eventually you will turn into a motivational speaker. So before you start swallowing the bile and calling dogs, why don’t you first get rid of deadbeats? Why don’t you clear any lazy man out of your life? Confused how to? Delete his number block him on all social media handles, change where you stay and avoid any places you used to hang out.

Start a new life and build yourself. Stay true and loyal to your goals and dreams. Real men exist and you will meet one who will love you for life!!

This blog is dedicated to all single mother’s and expectant beautiful ladies. Don’t give up the future is bright.

Ciao Adiós!

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